Kulkoni, Inc. - Wire Rope, Cable, Chain, Fittings, Tools, and more

Kulkoni, Inc. -  Trademarks


The Kulkoni trademark is highly respected. Fabricators and distributors across North America know the trademark is backed by quality. We only put our trademark on products thoroughly tested that meet federal and industry standards. No one may use the Kulkoni logo, or any other trademark or trade name of Kulkoni Inc., without a prior written agreement from Kulkoni, Inc. If you want to display the Kulkoni logo on your webpage, please contact us: info@kulkoni.com
Current Kulkoni Crown Logos

Current Kulkoni Crown Logos

Former Kulkoni Crown Logos

Former Kulkoni Crown Logos

American Wire Rope – Red & Yellow Strands

American Wire Rope™ - Red & Yellow Strands™

The colors RED and YELLOW applied to two adjacent strands of wire wrapped around the wire rope’s core in a spiral fashion is a United States Federally Registered Trademark of Kulkoni, Inc.

Kulkoni Import Wire Rope – Blue & Yellow Strands

Kulkoni Import Wire Rope - Blue & Yellow Strands™

The colors BLUE and YELLOW applied to two adjacent strands of wire wrapped around the wire rope’s core in a spiral fashion is a United States Federally Registered Trademark of Kulkoni, Inc.

Yellow Pin Shackle and Yellow U-Bolt Wire Rope Clip

Yellow Pin Shackle™ and Yellow U-Bolt Wire Rope Clip™

The yellow colored shackle pin and yellow colored U-bolt of the rope clip are United States Federally Registered Trademarks of Kulkoni, Inc.

Stylized KK Logo

Stylized KK Logo

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